Friday, February 12, 2010

Stress and Chiropractic Care Kelowna

Believe it or not, stress can be beneficial to your health.

A 20 minute jog in the morning before work can put enough stress on your system to boost your metabolism for the day. Stress is also needed for you to wake up from your good nights sleep. However, if you are constantly under stress, your body and your health will suffer.

There are three types of stress that you encounter in your life:

1.Physical Stress - These are the types of stress that can come in the form of injuries in sports, car accidents, or even injuries from poor posture and sleep habits. Physical stress can create the stress response in your body and lead to long term health issues.
2.Mental/Emotional Stress - Probably the most commonly talked about stress. Examples are relationship problems with kids, spouses, or parents. Problems at work with your boss or co-workers. Problems with finances. Problems with worrying about something that you cannot control.
3.Chemical Stress - The least talked about stress is chemical stress. Examples include anything that is put into the body either voluntarily or involuntarily, that work as a toxin on your system. Environmental toxins such as pesticides and fungicides, food preservatives and flavor enhancer's (aspartame and MSG), and of course any and all prescription medications!
All three types of stress, when in combination or alone, create an immense amount of strain on your body and your nervous system. Stress has been coined "the silent killer" and for good reason. Chronic levels of stress without intervention are linked to higher incidences of:

•heart disease and stroke
and many other diseases of lifestyle.

If you are stressed, and are looking for a natural and healthy way to manage it, chiropractic care can help you. We can give you strategies to manage different types of stress, as well as making sure that your spine and nervous system are functioning properly.

For Kelowna stress reduction call or email your Kelowna chiropractor.

Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC
Adjusting you for a better life!

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