It's been a while! Our blog, newsletters, Facebook and Twitter have been quiet for quite a few months and I would like to take full responsibility. I haven't abandoned you, in fact I've been thinking about you A LOT but needed a spare hour or two to get my thoughts together and write them down. As many of you know, Dr. Travis and I welcomed our first child last fall and he is AMAZING! Time consuming, but AMAZING! Before he arrived many a parent told me to get as much sleep as I possibly could before giving birth, and believe me I got what I thought was a ton of sleep, but nothing could prepare me for how tired I've been for the last 10 months. That's the reason I need an hour or two to gather my thoughts - they're pretty scattered and I have to chase them around just as much as the baby.
In the last year I've learned many lessons, for example; nothing wakes a baby from a dead sleep like you quietly laying down yourself for a nap in the next room; nothing is more bonding or divisive than parenting, and staying at home with your kids is the most rewarding, isolating, exhausting, and sometimes inexplicably time warping experience. Sometimes Dr. Travis gets home from the office and asks me what we've been up to and I'm alarmed by how full my day felt and how little I actually have to tell him.
But back to my second lesson, as parents we all make choices for our little ones and I truly do believe that every good parent does the best they can with what they have at the time when raising their families. Sometimes we find out later that those choices may not have been the best option, but we are really all trying our best. Dr. Travis and I have raised a classic Chiro-kid. He has been adjusted since the day he was born, he is breastfed, he has never taken a medication, he has never eaten a grain or tasted anything processed including sugar, and he is not immunized. He has never been sick a day in his life, he is happy and healthy and believe it or not, every child that I have met that has been raised this way has the same healthy glow, chubby cheeks and bright eyes.
As health practitioners we feel that it is our duty to share with other parents our guide to raising healthy babies, but often when parenting choices are questioned, backs go up.
Somehow mainstream parenting encourages covering our babies in questionable soaps and lotions (Johnson and Johnson are changing ingredients in their baby products to make them safer, but will not disclose what is currently unsafe about them and the changes won't be taking place until next year), feeding them foods they cannot digest (babies do not produce pancreatic amylase - the enzyme necessary to digest grains INCLUDING RICE, until they are 12 months old) and giving them medications and immunizations that show limited efficacy and the potential for great harm (we have sadly seen many vaccine injured children in our practice).
The problem is that without good information, we can't make good choices. And just like you would never put your baby in a car without them being in a proper car seat like our grandparents did with their children, if you don't know things are unsafe you don't avoid them. We strive to get our patients and everyone we love to inform themselves. There are a lot of better options out there than what is popular or common. Try using a natural baby wash from your local health food store - we love Calming Lavender Baby Wash by Little Twig. If your little one is teething, skip the Tylenol and Oragel and go for the Homeopathic teething remedies available in the health food aisle at your local Superstore - they really do work! When feeding your baby opt for organic food, ideally prepared by you. Even the good canned baby food has to be pasteurized - a heating process that kills bacteria, but also kills the nutrients in the food, not to mention the flavour. As I mentioned earlier, your baby cannot digest grains, so there's no point in feeding them rice cereal, oatmeal, baby mum-mums or anything like that until they're at least one year old. To get your baby the necessary iron, fill them up with protein, fat and green leafy vegetables. Our little guy loves organic tofu puree with kale or spinach, sweetened with berries and banana. He's not much of a meat eater.
There are so many ways to improve your health, you just have to care enough to find out about it. If there's one thing that I'm sure of, it's that parents care, and they want their kids to have the best start possible. Inform yourself - it's the best way to be sure you're doing your best.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC
Adjusting you for a better life!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Is Winter Over Yet?
I think I speak for everyone, except a skier or two, when I say that we’re ready for winter to be over. The cloudy days, the cold temperatures, the snow and slush; it’s not for us sun and heat loving Okanaganers. It’s only March and we’re already wishing for June. Today’s article is about squishing a little more winter fun into the next few weeks while we wait. There are the obvious winter fun escapes like Mexico and Hawaii, but I’m talking about taking advantage of the natural surroundings here in Kelowna and the surrounding area. We all know there’s great downhill skiing and snowboarding nearby, but did you know you can get out for some cross country skiing or snowshoeing just up the road at Telemark? Unfortunately Lake Okanagan doesn’t freeze over to give us the romance of skating on the pond, but the new ice rink at Stuart Park is a great way to get out, enjoy a little winter atmosphere and get your exercise. For those of you who like to get out for your hikes, but avoid it in the winter because of ice and snow, consider picking up a pair of snow cleats to put over your hiking boots – you can pick up a pair at Costco for cheap and continue to get out for your walks. The winter trails are a lot quieter giving you the feeling of being at one with nature, and you don’t have to worry about running into any bears.
If you’re more of an indoor activity kind of person, put your thinking caps on to get yourself moving and in a great mood. Take a dance class, or head over to Johnson Bentley for a swim (it’s nice and warm in there!). Take up Hot Yoga, or get yourself signed up for a healthy cooking class. There are a ton of ways to keep active and in turn keep happy in the winter. By learning new things, and getting your daily dose of exercise you can combat the winter blahs, and think about how interesting your water cooler talk will be if you’ve got something new on the go.
Get your friends together for an activity that you enjoy, maybe a snowball fight, or a book club or a competitive game of capture the flag. Being with people that you love and that make you laugh will also help you get through those days that are gray and make you feel a little down. Start planning your St. Patty's Day party, with themed foods you can serve, what games you can play and what the prizes might be. Making a plan to come together, being creative and getting a little silly will be just the antidote for the end of Winter blahs.
Oh, one last thing. Take your vitamin D. It’ll give you a mood lift, help to energize you and get you through this final push before spring arrives. Get moving, and the warm sun will be here before you know it.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
If you’re more of an indoor activity kind of person, put your thinking caps on to get yourself moving and in a great mood. Take a dance class, or head over to Johnson Bentley for a swim (it’s nice and warm in there!). Take up Hot Yoga, or get yourself signed up for a healthy cooking class. There are a ton of ways to keep active and in turn keep happy in the winter. By learning new things, and getting your daily dose of exercise you can combat the winter blahs, and think about how interesting your water cooler talk will be if you’ve got something new on the go.
Get your friends together for an activity that you enjoy, maybe a snowball fight, or a book club or a competitive game of capture the flag. Being with people that you love and that make you laugh will also help you get through those days that are gray and make you feel a little down. Start planning your St. Patty's Day party, with themed foods you can serve, what games you can play and what the prizes might be. Making a plan to come together, being creative and getting a little silly will be just the antidote for the end of Winter blahs.
Oh, one last thing. Take your vitamin D. It’ll give you a mood lift, help to energize you and get you through this final push before spring arrives. Get moving, and the warm sun will be here before you know it.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Touching base

Well, I'm 2 weeks in and my experience there so far has been great, and although I guess none of us really ever know what people really think, they seem to have good things to say. More importantly, I have learned a few amazing tips and tricks from a 20 year veteran that you can expect to experience in our office in the near future. It's incredible really what spending a little time with someone who does what you do in a professional capacity. Yes, Dr. Travis and I spend lots of time together, but that doesn't count. We also have lots of friends who are Chiropractors, but as with most people we really try to leave our work at work. If only schedules and salaries and time allowed us all to spend a little time with other people in our professions. Observing the person who does your job, but has been there a few years longer than you, or shadowing your boss for a day. Most people are eager to share their knowledge and their little tricks to get the job done all the more efficiently. Think about how much better you would be at your job, heck, at life, if everyone just pooled all their "get it done" tips. Do yourself a favour this week, spend 20 minutes following one of your co-workers or bosses around and see what you can learn.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Learn About Right To Play And Support Our Drs WIth A Heart Fundraiser
For those of you who haven't been reading our newsletter, we're doing a fundraiser on Tuesday February 15th that we're calling Drs with a heart. We're collecting donations for a charity organization called Right To Play, and for your donation of $37.00 or more, we're going to give you or your loved one a FREE full examination in our office. That's a $125 dollar value for your donation and in honor of your gift, we're donating our services. We're also going to have some fun snacks in the office between 8:30am and 11:30am and then again in the afternoon from 3pm to 6pm. This is a patient appreciation day in honour of February being Heart Month and us coming together as a Chiropractic family to help put a stop to heart disease worldwide through PREVENTION! Right To Play is an international organization that sets up, delivers and supports sporting education programs in third world, war torn, and underpriviledged areas. These programs get children who might not othewise have the opportunity to get out and play! They also teach the core values of sportsmanship and teamwork and breaks down the barriers of race, religion and even language. If you'd like to learn more about Right To Play, please visit their website at
If you would like to take advantage of the fundraiser and book a spot for an examination, do not delay. We only have 2 spots left. So call the office today at 250-454-9474
If however, you would like to pop by just to make a donation, we would love to see you and share some tasty treats with you on the 15th!
See you there.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
If you would like to take advantage of the fundraiser and book a spot for an examination, do not delay. We only have 2 spots left. So call the office today at 250-454-9474
If however, you would like to pop by just to make a donation, we would love to see you and share some tasty treats with you on the 15th!
See you there.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February is Heart Health Month, What Are You Doing For Your Heart?

Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
6 Week Weight Loss Challenge
This January we're helping our practice members, their friends and family get 2011 off to a great start by issuing a challenge. If you want to lose a few pounds, kick your sugar cravings to the curb and start yourself on a path to better health and wellness, we're here to help you.
On Wednesday January 19th at 6pm at Health In Hand Family Chiropractic we are hosting a kickoff party to the 6 week challenge. Registered participants will compete to lose weight and make the biggest change in their lives for cash! The winner takes home 40% of all registration fees, and others will win prizes too along the way.
The party will be a quick info session with Dr. Travis and Dr. Sarah as well as Gordon Palmer. We'll be swapping some healthy recipes to get you started. Gordon will demonstrate and hand out home exercise routines to help you reach your goals. And we'll be here to keep you motivated and on task to get results.
We'll be checking in with you again in February to see how you're doing at the midway point and to encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize for the last 3 weeks.
Even if you're not a current chiropractic patient and you want to get on the wellness wagon, give our office a call and we'll give you all the details, or just come on by on the 19th and join in the party!
Registration in the challenge is $25 per person and we'll be weighing, measuring, and taking your "Before" photo at the Kickoff, so wear something form fitting!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
On Wednesday January 19th at 6pm at Health In Hand Family Chiropractic we are hosting a kickoff party to the 6 week challenge. Registered participants will compete to lose weight and make the biggest change in their lives for cash! The winner takes home 40% of all registration fees, and others will win prizes too along the way.
The party will be a quick info session with Dr. Travis and Dr. Sarah as well as Gordon Palmer. We'll be swapping some healthy recipes to get you started. Gordon will demonstrate and hand out home exercise routines to help you reach your goals. And we'll be here to keep you motivated and on task to get results.
We'll be checking in with you again in February to see how you're doing at the midway point and to encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize for the last 3 weeks.
Even if you're not a current chiropractic patient and you want to get on the wellness wagon, give our office a call and we'll give you all the details, or just come on by on the 19th and join in the party!
Registration in the challenge is $25 per person and we'll be weighing, measuring, and taking your "Before" photo at the Kickoff, so wear something form fitting!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Nutrition Talk Wednesday November 17th at 6:15pm
Join Dr. Travis and special guest speaker Gordon Palmer for a pre-holiday pep talk about nutrition. They will be covering the sneaky things in your diet that are keeping you a little heavier than you'd probably like, and some great strategies to keep your energy, spirits and health up over the next month or so and for a lifetime. Did you know that the Christmas season is the unhealthiest time of the year? Make sure that you get the jump start on health, so that your new year's resolution isn't to undo all the unhealthy choices you made during the holidays. Spots are almost full, so call Carla at 250-454-9474 to book one of the last 4 seats!
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd. Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Secrets for successful ageing
Since November is a great month to honour people, I thought I would write today’s piece about an incredible member of our practice. With Veterans Week and Remembrance Day looming, it just seems fitting. Especially since he is a WWII vet.
Clement Kromhoff is easily the most interesting person I have ever met. At 92 years old, he is full of stories, amazing thoughts about health and a life well lived and he always has something kind to say to the people around him. Oh, and he’s also hilarious; everyone in his immediate proximity seems to be smiling. He speaks several languages, drove the Model T Ford and loves to share the great produce that he grows in his backyard.
Many people will be awed just by his age, and the fact that he is not only in his nineties, but he is there in great health is even more inspiring. He lives alone, still drives and still works in his garden. To some that will sound unbelievable, but the truth is we should all be living as well and as long as Clem.
Those fruits, vegetables, herbs and seasonings that he grows with his own two hands are his secret to success. Clem will tell you that sugar is “white death” and that he never uses the stuff and that if the rest of the country didn’t consume so much of it we would be living longer and healthier lives. He controls the quality of what he puts in his body by growing it himself, and has done so for a great deal of his life. Of course there was the period of time that he was stationed overseas in WWII, where immense stress, less than ideal food, and I’m sure poor sleep would have taken a few years off his life, but he seems to have bounced back and found balance. He gave up alcohol, formed a relationship with God, and pursued his passions.
Clem was married to the love of his life for nearly 70 years, and has formed a strong support system of neighbours, friends, and even acupuncturists and chiropractors around him. When he recently fell from a ladder in his yard there were people there to pick him up, dust him off and make sure that he was on the road to recovery. You can’t help but love this man, and I think the lessons we can all learn here are obvious, but I’m going to outline them for you anyway.
Secrets for successful ageing 1 – preserve your body with healthful food, light to moderate exercise and limit sugar! 2 – keep your mind fit by staying engaged in the world, learn a new language, go out and meet people. 3 – build a strong support system! Sometimes all you need is a hand to hold, or someone to listen to your problem or someone to celebrate a victory with. Cast a wide social net and you’ll always be able to find someone to help you. 4 – Pursue your passions, a life without purpose is not a life worth living. Find the things that inspire you, that stir your creativity or your give you that excited butterflies in the belly sensation. In the pursuit of something you love, nothing feels like work, and time flies. You’ll be 99 years old before you know it.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4 250-454-9474
Adjusting you for a better life!
Clement Kromhoff is easily the most interesting person I have ever met. At 92 years old, he is full of stories, amazing thoughts about health and a life well lived and he always has something kind to say to the people around him. Oh, and he’s also hilarious; everyone in his immediate proximity seems to be smiling. He speaks several languages, drove the Model T Ford and loves to share the great produce that he grows in his backyard.
Many people will be awed just by his age, and the fact that he is not only in his nineties, but he is there in great health is even more inspiring. He lives alone, still drives and still works in his garden. To some that will sound unbelievable, but the truth is we should all be living as well and as long as Clem.
Those fruits, vegetables, herbs and seasonings that he grows with his own two hands are his secret to success. Clem will tell you that sugar is “white death” and that he never uses the stuff and that if the rest of the country didn’t consume so much of it we would be living longer and healthier lives. He controls the quality of what he puts in his body by growing it himself, and has done so for a great deal of his life. Of course there was the period of time that he was stationed overseas in WWII, where immense stress, less than ideal food, and I’m sure poor sleep would have taken a few years off his life, but he seems to have bounced back and found balance. He gave up alcohol, formed a relationship with God, and pursued his passions.
Clem was married to the love of his life for nearly 70 years, and has formed a strong support system of neighbours, friends, and even acupuncturists and chiropractors around him. When he recently fell from a ladder in his yard there were people there to pick him up, dust him off and make sure that he was on the road to recovery. You can’t help but love this man, and I think the lessons we can all learn here are obvious, but I’m going to outline them for you anyway.
Secrets for successful ageing 1 – preserve your body with healthful food, light to moderate exercise and limit sugar! 2 – keep your mind fit by staying engaged in the world, learn a new language, go out and meet people. 3 – build a strong support system! Sometimes all you need is a hand to hold, or someone to listen to your problem or someone to celebrate a victory with. Cast a wide social net and you’ll always be able to find someone to help you. 4 – Pursue your passions, a life without purpose is not a life worth living. Find the things that inspire you, that stir your creativity or your give you that excited butterflies in the belly sensation. In the pursuit of something you love, nothing feels like work, and time flies. You’ll be 99 years old before you know it.
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna, BC VIZ 1G4 250-454-9474
Adjusting you for a better life!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Trade Exchange Canada Trade Show - Rotary Center for the Arts
The Trade Exchange Canada Trade Show on Friday November the 4th from 1pm to 4pm.
It will be taking place at the Rotary Center for the Arts, so come and check us and all the other TEC members out. Find out about the barter system and the businesses you can trade with.
Come and network with fellow members and guests!
Dr. Travis Pillipow DC, BSc.
Dr. Sarah Tremblay, DC BHPE
Health In Hand Family Chiropractic
104-1195 Industrial Rd.
Kelowna,BC VIZ 1G4
Adjusting you for a better life!
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